Meet Julie J. Wylie

Two months before Mom died, she and I were talking on the phone as I drove to work.

We realized how many wonderful and inspired connections were happening even as we faced the decision for her to begin hospice. There was a feeling of disbelief and wonder at the synchronicities and the goodness coming our way during that uncharted time.

The sentiment we both shared in that conversation was, “Wow, this could be a book.”

And I might have said, “Maybe that’s what I’ll do after you die.”

I believe God has called me to write this book to be a light guiding the way for others. It is an honor to share ideas that proved to be meaningful and effective for our family and friends.

Through these stories, I hope other families will discover how to intentionally use their time, resources, circumstances, and desires during a loved one’s journey. I hope we can provide a light that illuminates a trying and uncharted path.

Let’s use our time wisely and live without regrets.

On a personal note, the undercurrent of my life and what guides me through the ups and downs is my mission statement. And it goes like this:

Enjoy the Joyride from God. I am enjoying and thriving in life as an unconditionally loving, wise, and abundantly thinking light being. I am living, loving, and communicating authentically with a lavish purpose of embracing God’s calling in doing things much greater than myself as well as letting the gifts in each of us shine.

If you know me, you know I love dessert. I, also, love being healthy and having a lot of energy. For many years, I have taken Juice Plus+ vegetable, fruit and berry capsules to ensure I am getting a variety of nutrients. Recently, I joined up with Juice Plus+ as a Partner to share the products since they are not sold in stores. 

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